ESG Data


Item Unit FY2023 FY2022
Greenhouse-gas emissions (Scopes 1 and 2)Note 1 Note 2 t-CO2 6,223 6,827
Greenhouse-gas emissions per unit of net sales Note 1 Note 2 t-CO2/mil. yen 0.041 0.048
Accumulative generated capacity of electricity by renewable-energy equipments installed by the Company MW 267 258
Amount of electricity generated by solar generating equipments installed on Company sites kWh 29,011 17,795
Amount of industrial waste emissions Note 3 t 11,664 10,260
Amount of industrial waste emissions per unit of net sales Note 3 t/mil. yen 0.088 0.084
Number of leaks of hazardous materials, etc. No. of cases 1 0
Number of environmental accidents No. of cases 0 0
Volume of printing paper used Note 4 Thousands of sheets 2,184 2,892
  • 1 Scope consists of the Company and nine Group companies.
  • 2 Our calculation method changed from 2023. The figures for 2022 was revised due to discrepancies in calculations
  • 3 Previous year results
  • 4 Minato Mirai Head Office and Isogo Head Office



Item Unit FY2023 FY2022
Number of employees Note 5 No. people 1,641 1,616
 Male No. people 1,467 1,454
 Male employee ratio % 89.4 90.0
 Female No. people 174 162
 Female employee ratio % 10.6 10.0
Number of employees at managing level Note 5 No. people 424 437
 Male No. people 417 431
 Male employee ratio % 98.3 98.6
 Female No. people 7 6
 Female employee ratio % 1.7 1.4
Number of new-graduate hires No. people 58 60
 Male No. people 45 47
 Male employee ratio % 77.6 78.3
 Female No. people 13 13
 Female employee ratio % 22.4 21.7
Average years of service Note 5 Years 15.6 15.8
 Male Years 16.3 16.5
 Female Years 9.2 10
Average age Note 5 Age 42.0 42.3
 Male Age 42.4 42.6
 Female Age 38.8 40.2
Disparity in average annual remuneration by gender
(female's wages as a percentage of male's wages) Note 5 Note 6
 All workers % 69.5 67.7
 Full-time employees (indefinite term) % 72.1 70.5
 Non-full-time employees (defined term) % 58.9 59.3
Disparity in average basic salaries by gender
(female's wages as a percentage of male's wages) Note 5 Note 7
 Non-management employee % 90.9 91.7
 Management employee % 99.8 96.8
Job turnover excluding mandatory retirement Note 5 % 2.4 2.5
Number of employees of foreign nationality Note 5 No. people 19 12
Disabled persons as percentage of employees Note 5 % 2.69 2.66
Number of reemployed persons Note 5 No. people 89 82
  • 5 As of the end of the fiscal year
  • 6 At the Company, no differences exist in terms of wages systems. Among both full-time and non-full-time employees, more male than female employees belong to the main job types in which overtime work occurs, indicating that disparities exist.
  • 7 At the Company, no differences exist in terms of wages systems. At each level, disparities exist in terms of the ratio of male to female.

Work-life Balance

Item Unit FY2023 FY2022
Rate of the used portion of employees' annual paid leave % 83.8 81.3
Number of takers of childcare leave No. people 56 34
 Male No. people 50 29
 Male acquisition rate % 80.6 64.4
 Female No. people 6 5
 Female acquisition rate % 100 100
Number of takers of spousal maternity leave No. people 43 25
Spousal maternity leave acquisition rate % 69.4 55.6
Number of takers of child-nursing-care leave No. people 34 26
Number of takers of shortened work hours for childcare Note 8 No. people 11 6
Number of takers of shortened work hours for nursing-care Note 8 No. people 0 0
  • 8 As of the end of the fiscal year

Personnel Education

Item Unit FY2023 FY2022
Education and training expenses per employee Thousands of yen  153 135
Amount of subsidies for acquisition of qualifications Thousands of yen 4,745 5,675
Number of persons obtained public qualifications Note 9 Note 10 No. people 577 553
  • 9 As of the end of the fiscal year
  • 10 Number of qualified first-class architects, professional engineers and first-class construction management engineers

Health and Safety

Item Unit FY2023 FY2022
Total hours of construction work Thousands of hours  17,241 16,490
Number of fatal accidents No. of cases  1 1
Number of accidents with day away from work cases No. of cases  6 11
Number of recordable accidents without fatal or day away from work cases No. of cases  31 38
Number of serious accidents (disability grade 7 or higher) No. of cases  1 0
Frequency of accidents of all types Note 11 - 2.20 3.03
Frequency of accidents with day away from work cases - 0.406 0.73
Number of safety patrols performed No. of times  60 69
Stress-check examination rate (once a year) % 98.7 96.0
 Share of high stressed examinees % 9.1 7.6
Regular health checkup examination rate Note 12 % 100 100.0
  • 11 This is an original indicator of RAIZNEXT. It indicates the frequency of working place accidents causes day away from working causes and other recordable injuries per 1 million work-hours.
  • 12 In addition to items mandated by law, the Company also provides non-mandatory tests such as cancer screenings and gynecological examinations.

Social contribution activities

Item Unit FY2023 FY2022
Number of social contribution activities No. of cases 29 24


Corporate governance systems

Item Unit FY2023 FY2022
Number of directors Note 4 No. people 10 10
 Outside directors No. people 4 4
 Female directors No. people 2 2
Number of meetings of the Board of Directors No. of times 12 12
Attendance rate at Board of Directors meetings % 99.16 100
 Attendance rate of outside directors % 97.91 100
Number of Audit and Supervisory Committee members Note 13 No. people 4 4
 Outside directors No. people 3 3
 Female directors No. people 2 2
Number of meetings of the Audit and Supervisory Committee No. of times 8 9
Attendance rate at Audit and Supervisory Committee meetings % 100 97.0
 Attendance rate of outside directors % 100 96.0
  • 13 As of the end of the fiscal year


Item Unit FY2023 FY2022
Number of training sessions on compliance Note 14 No. of times 22 6
 Total number of participants in compliance training No. people 9,035 11,639
Number of whistleblowing events (Compliance Hotline) No. of cases 14 7
Number of serious information security incidents No. of cases 0 0
  • 14 Scope consists of the Company and nine Group companies.